Plan of Salvation
For Them That Love God, sacred hymn
A sacred hymn for SATB voices. Music by Kevin G. Pace. Text, based on 1 Corinthians 2:9, by Mary..
God Sent Us Too, sacred hymn
A sacred hymn with text by Richard Hales below. Watch on YouTube: God Sent Us TooGod sent us h..
Here Am I, Send Me, sacred hymn
An original hymn about the Savior in the pre-mortal existence. Text by Mark Fotheringham below.&nbs..
His Plan I Will Defend, sacred hymn
A sacred hymn with text by Kathryn Hales below. Watch on YouTube: His Plan I Will Defend Re..
Ode on Intimations of Immortality, sacred hymn
An original hymn for SATB voices. Music by Kevin G. Pace. Text by William Wordsworth.&nb..
Our Heavenly Father's Plan, sacred hymn
An original hymn about the Lord's plan of happiness. Text by Mary Ann Snowball below. Watch o..
Our Mother's Touch of Love, a sacred hymn
A beautiful, sacred hymn with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mary Ann W. Snowball.YouTube video:..
Salvation's Plan, sacred hymn
A sacred hymn with words and music by Kevin G. Pace. Watch on YouTube: Salvation's PlanSee tex..
The Prisoners Shall Surely Go Free, sacred hymn
An original hymn with text by Mark Fotheringham below. Watch on YouTube: The Prisoners Shall S..
Voices of Gladness, a sacred hymn
An epic, inspiring sacred hymn with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mark R. Fotheringham, Kevin..
We Shall Meet Again, a sacred hymn
A beautiful, sacred hymn with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mark R. Fotheringham. YouTube..
We Would Never Say Goodbye, sacred hymn
A sacred hymn about saying goodbye at the death of a loved one. Music by Kevin G. Pace. Text..
What is the State of My Soul? - sacred hymn
A sacred hymn about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in these latter-days. Music b..