Theory / Chords / MISC.
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America the Beautiful, lead sheet improvisation
This music is from a book entitled: Composing, Arranging and Improvising Using Lead Sheets and Chor..
The Comprehensive Book of Modes and Scales for Piano and Keyboard Players (1st edition)
The Comprehensive Book of Modes and Scales was written specifically for classically trained pianists..
The Comprehensive Book of Modes and Scales for Piano and Keyboard Players, 2nd edition
The Comprehensive Book of Modes and Scales for Piano and Keyboard Players (2nd edition) was writte..
The Comprehensive Book of Chords for Piano and Keyboard Players
Written specifically for pianists, but could be used by anyone. This book contains over 100 chords..
Composing, Arranging, Improvising with Lead Sheets
The purpose of this book is to give moderate to advanced pianists and musicians a reference book fo..
Major and Minor Scales and the Chords That Go With Them, for piano and keyboard players
This book for piano & keyboard players was written specifically for pianists with little knowl..
Music Practice Log and Assignment Tracker book
The Music Practice Log and Assignment Tracker is the ideal book for music teachers and students...
Music Theory, Mastering Basic Concepts
Written specifically for pianists, but could be used by anyone. This book contains over 100 page..
Playing the Piano With Chords, book 1
Playing the Piano With Chords is a book to teach pianists to play chords. It can be used by anyone..
Playing the Piano With Chords, book 2
The 2nd book in a series to teach pianists to play chords. Many skills are taught including: Chord..