A sacred hymn based on Isaiah Chapter 53. Music by Kevin G. Pace.  Text by Mark R. Fotheringham.

YouTube video: Who Hath Believed Our Report? - sacred hymn


Who hath believ-ed our report?

He hath no beauty to desire.

A man of sorrows, known to grieve,

He was rejected by His own.

Surely he bore our griefs and sorrows,

Though seemed He smitten of God.  

But He was wounded, sorely used,

For our iniquities was bruised.

To bring us peace, chastised was He,

And with His stripes, all healed are we.

All we like sheep have gone astray,

All men are turned to their own way.  

He was oppressed, afflicted sore.

Yet all these things He meekly bore.

Just as a lamb, He silent stayed

As justice failed, no balance weighed.

Who shall declare His generation?

For all our sins was He slain.  

He was a man of truth and peace,

Offering all, our souls to ease.

And in return, His seed He'll see

Turning to God with constancy.

Justice and mercy now abide,

His blessings with saints He'll divide.

Composer Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP)
Lyricist Mark R. Fotheringham
Genre(s) sacred hymn
# of Pages 2

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Who Hath Believed Our Report? - a sacred hymn

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Tags: hymn, sacred, Jesus, Christ, church, SATB, choir