In Reverence, sacred music for SATB Choir
A beautiful, sacred choral anthem with words and music by Kevin G. Pace. This piece has a mini..
Knowledge From Heaven, sacred music for SATB choir
Dramatic, sacred music for SATB choir with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mark R. Fotheringham. ..
Oh, To Have Been in Kirtland, SATB choir
A sacred choral composition for SATB Choir with piano accompaniment. From the Cantata of the Rest..
Speak My Name, Two-part choral duet (SATB, SSTT)
A sacred work for SATB choir. This piece has a minimum purchase requirement of 7 copies. The price i..
The Temple Is the House of God, SATB choir
A sacred choral composition for SATB Choir with piano accompaniment. From the Cantata of the Rest..
Cantata of the Restoration, SATB choir
A collection of sacred choral works for SATB choir with piano accompaniment and some short narrati..