Cantatas, Sacred
A Poor Wayfaring Man / The Prophet & Seer - SATB choir
A sacred choral composition for SATB Choir with piano accompaniment. From the Cantata of the Rest..
Ask the Truth of God, SATB choir
A sacred choral composition for SATB Choir with piano accompaniment. From the Cantata of the Rest..
Creation Hymn, SATB choir
"The great plan could not proceed without place, and thus the work of creation began, the Son perfe..
Face to Face (Speaking to God), choral
A sacred choral composition for SATB Choir with piano accompaniment. From the Cantata of the Rest..
Forbid Them Not, SATB choir
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. SATB Choir with piano accom..
Hark, Hear the Sound of Trumpet Bold, SATB choir
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. SATB Choir with piano accom..
Here Am I, Send Me, SATB choir
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. SATB Choir with piano accom..
I Will Touch the Hem of His Robe, SATB choir with soprano soloist
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. SATB Choir with piano accom..
In Bountiful, SATB choir
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. "The mortal ministry of..
In the Savior's Name, sacred SATB choir
A sacred work for SATB choir. This piece has a minimum purchase requirement of 7 copies. The price i..
Oh My Lord, My Blessed Savior, SATB choir
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. SATB Choir with piano..
Oh, To Have Been in Kirtland, SATB choir
A sacred choral composition for SATB Choir with piano accompaniment. From the Cantata of the Rest..
Restoration Foretold, SATB choir
A sacred choral composition for SATB Choir with piano accompaniment. From the Cantata of th..
Sunday Will Come, SATB choir
A sacred work for SATB choir. From the sacred cantata entitled "The Savior". "Men often forget..
The Book of Mormon, sacred music for SATB choir
A sacred work for SATB choir. This piece has a minimum purchase requirement of 7 copies. The price i..