A Believing Heart, sacred music for mixed choir
A wonderful, sacred choral arrangement for mixed choir. Music by Kevin G. Pace. Text by ..
Forbid Them Not, SATB choir
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. SATB Choir with piano accom..
Help Thou My Unbelief, sacred music for SATB choir
Sacred music for SATB choir with piano accompaniment. Music by Kevin G. Pace. Text by Ar..
I Will Touch the Hem of His Robe, SATB choir with soprano soloist
A bold, beautiful choral setting from the Cantata entitled The Savior. SATB Choir with piano accom..
Lean On the Lord, sacred music for SATB choir
Beautiful, joyful, sacred music for SATB choir with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mary Ann W. S..
Seek Ye The Lord, As Now He Is Near, sacred music for SATB choir
Sacred music for SATB choir. Music by Kevin G. Pace. Text by Mark R. Fotheringham. This piece ..
Waiting Upon the Lord, sacred music for SATB choir
Beautiful, sacred choral music composed by Kevin G. Pace with text by Mary Ann W. Snowball. Th..
We Will Seek Jesus - The Way, The Truth, The Life - sacred music for SATB choir
Beautiful, sacred music for SATB choir with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mark Fotheringham.&nb..